How much do you know about employment law?

by Pat DiDomenico on February 24, 2017

Complying with the alphabet soup of employment laws takes a big portion of HR’s day. And compliance will get even harder in 2017 because, as this first month has proven, the new Trump administration is intent on shaking things up. 

That uncertainty and all the looming HR-law changes is why we’ll have a record crowd next month at our annual three-day Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practice (LEAP) conference. This year it’s at Bellagio in Las Vegas, March 29-31.

So how well do you know employment law? To see if you need to do a little LEAPing this year to take your employment law knowledge up a notch, take the Soapbox Employment Law Quiz. (You’ll find the answers at the end.)

 1. REGULATIONS  A new Trump administration plan to cut regulations calls on federal agencies to:

a. Limit new regulations to one per week
b. Cut two regulations for each new regulation issued
c. Freeze new regulations for one year

 2. COST OF COMPLIANCE  In 2016 the federal government raised the cost of fines for which type of employment violations?

a. Immigration
b. Wage-and-hour laws
c. Workplace safety
d. All of the above

 3. RETALIATION  What are the three most common types of job-discrimination complaints filed by employees (in order)?

a. Retaliation, race, sex
b. Race, sex, retaliation
c. Retaliation, race, disability

Leave your lawsuit fears behind!
The LEAP conference is the ultimate—and most fun—way for HR professionals to learn how to comply with latest employment law changes. And we’ve designed LEAP 2016 to give you more access to our experts than ever before! Learn more


 4. IMMIGRATION LAW   President Trump has advocated nationwide mandatory employer use of:

a. Arbitration agreements
b. E-Verify work authorization system
c. Electronic I-9s

NOTE: This administration wants to use employers as a “virtual wall” against undocumented workers. Learn how employers need prepare and respond at the special three-hour, pre-LEAP workshop, The I-9/E-Verify Summit.

 5. LABOR LAW   A key NLRB ruling last year said _______ can now vote in an employer’s union election, too.

a. Part-time employees
b. Temporary employees
c. Former employees

 6. WAGE & HOUR LAW  What two industries are the most frequent targets of wage-and-hour lawsuits?

a. Hospitality and retail
b. Foodservice and hospitality
c. Manufacturing and foodservice

 7. HEALTH REFORM   The average cost of providing health care runs $8,669 per covered employee, which equates to ___ of a company’s annual operating budget.

a. 7.6%
b. 5.1%
c. 10.7%

NOTE: Learn what “repeal and replace” means for employers and HR at our special three-hour, pre-LEAP workshop, The Healthcare Reform Town Hall 2017.

How did you score? Don’t worry if you didn’t ace the quiz. The employment law world is spinning fast and faces more changes in 2017 than anytime in a generation. Hope you can join Business Management Daily, The HR Specialist and more than 30 of America’s best employment lawyers in Vegas on March 29!  


1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. A



Leave your lawsuit fears behind!
The LEAP conference is the ultimate—and most fun—way for HR professionals to learn how to comply with latest employment law changes. And we’ve designed LEAP 2016 to give you more access to our experts than ever before! Learn more


Category: HR Soapbox