Communication Breakdown: Is All the Trump Talk Stressing Your Staff & Sapping Their Time?

by Pat DiDomenico on May 26, 2017

When the combative 2016 election culminated in a surprise Trump victory last November, the full range of human emotion—from grief to glee—played out in workplaces across America. Most people thought the inter-office political debates would ease as the calendar turned to 2017, but that just hasn’t been the case.  

In fact, all the workplace talk and tension has only increased in the first few months of the Trump presidency, says a new American Psychological Association survey.

More than a quarter (26%) of workers say they felt tense or stressed out as a result of political discussion s at work since the elections, an increase from 17% in September 2016.

More than half (54%) say they’ve discussed politics at work this year, and for 40% it has caused at least one negative outcome, such as reduced productivity, poorer work quality, negative view of co-workers or increased hostility at work.

This year, more than 30% say they’ve witnessed co-workers arguing about politics and about a quarter say they now avoid certain co-workers because of their political views. This week’s attack on a reporter by a Montana congressional candidate only further highlighted the coarseness and vitriol that has become more “normal” in 2017.

“Our recent politics have had a major influence on poor behavior at in the workplace, but mainly by people who were so inclined in the first place,” said Dr. Dennis Davis, Ph.D., the director of client training for the Ogletree Deakins law firm, at the recent Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practices Symposium.

“It’s good for employees to talk about politics in a civil manner, but if the reason is to recruit people or to change their minds, that’s not healthy. And employees don’t know the difference until we teach them,” said Davis.

In addition to stressing your staff, the political drama is eating into their worktime. More than a third (33%) of U.S. workers say they spend more time on news websites and social media this year trying to keep up with the constant drumbeat of “breaking news” from Washington.

Political philosophy. More employees who identify themselves as liberals reported being stressed about political conversations (38%) compared with those identifying as moderate (22%) or conservative (21%).

Gender. Significantly more female workers report feeling more cynical and negative during the workday—9% before the election and 20% since. For male workers, 20% reported feeling cynical and negative before the election versus 23% now.


Category: HR Soapbox