Employee Performance

Use performance logs to simplify employee reviews

September 15, 2023
It happens to every manager: You sit down to prepare a staff member’s review and realize you can remember only what the person has done the past few weeks. Or you allow only a single incident (good or bad) to color your assessment. If you’re relying solely on your memory to evaluate employee performance, you’re […]

Managing remote employees: 4 tips to make it work

July 31, 2023
Managing teleworkers can be challenging at times, especially if supervisors are also working remotely. However, it can be done. Here are some practical tips for making remote work productive.

Debunking 7 productivity myths and unlocking efficiency

July 28, 2023
There is a short list of things for which nearly everyone strives. When you put that list in terms of our work, success and career, productivity is one of those desirable outcomes. When something is both important and desirable, you would think we would have a clear picture of it. Instead, there are tons of myths about what productivity is and how to achieve it.

Making performance reviews as painless as possible

July 13, 2023
Follow these guidelines to deliver effective and efficient performance reviews.

How to keep new employees productive & engaged

June 28, 2023
When employees quit shortly after being hired, the departure is a gut punch to productivity and adds unnecessary costs. Plus, it can send unsettling shock waves to employees. Managers set the foundation for good employee relationships during the hiring process and in those first weeks on the job. Here are tips to keep newbies onboard, productive and engaged.

How to measure employee engagement efforts

June 16, 2023
Especially during times of low unemployment rates and high turnover, companies must take measures to keep current staff members from leaving. How can you tell, though, if efforts are working?

Nearly 4 in 10 professionals report rising burnout

June 12, 2023
Burnout is the workplace problem that just won’t go away, according to new research from employment and outplacement firm Robert Half. In a survey of more than 2,400 U.S. professionals, 38% of respondents reported being more burned out now than they were a year ago.

Hate tackling performance reviews? Here’s how to make them easier

June 9, 2023
Still stuck handling annual employee performance evaluations? While some organizations have done away with them, others remain committed to their use—much to the chagrin of some busy managers not fond of this job responsibility. Want to make the process less daunting and more fruitful? Consider these five factors.

Boost productivity & retention with a formal job-rotation plan

June 9, 2023
A formal rotation plan can teach new skills, increase employee engagement and provide career paths for stagnated top performers who’ve outgrown their positions.

Mental health worsens for 34% of workers

June 5, 2023
What’s the culprit? Survey respondents say, among other factors, long hours and excessive workloads.